
Pulling out some nib-pens I haven’t used in years and trying them out. Less control than a fineliner, but a lot more energy. Less waterproof. Need to work on the Kirby Krackle (among other things).

[EDIT: corrected “finaliser” to “fineliner” – darn you, autocorrect]


A midweek post.

I’ve read 5 of 6 books of Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera series. Good solid stuff: plot that moves along sharply, deadly peril, characters you care about.

Larry Correia’s got the sequel to Son of the Black Sword out, hooray. His Monster Hunter books were fun but SotBS was on another level. He’s also doing a book bomb for something written by a deceased friend of his, which looks properly nuts and I think I shall buy. (H/T Kairos.)

A friend of mine has a book out, with three drawings by myself. It’s called Vocations and contains:

  • a memoir of the author’s time doing temp work, mostly pointless data entry. Highly readable, frequently hilarious, makes me glad I’ve never had to do data entry in my life (or do temp work for more than a couple of months).
  • a satirical play about political correctness in the U.K.
  • some strange and thought-provoking short stories which I felt moved to illustrate.

(Hardcopy only at the moment; getting it formatted for Kindle is no trivial task.)

There are other books I have read or am reading; more on that later.

Living Room (III)

Some quick sketches.

Went to see Battle Angel: Alita the other day. A good solid action/sci-fi movie, and a faithful adaptation of the source material; the Significant Other (no great fan of sci-fi) quite liked it, which surprised me a little, though she thought I was overanalysing when I started talking about the themes (the main one being second chances). It was everything I hoped for and better than I expected – except that Desty Nova doesn’t make much of an appearance, as Cameron was only adapting the first third or so of the manga. So far he’s only present as a menacing figure in the background; I presume there will be sequels, and hope that the filmmakers know when to have him flip out and start chewing the scenery.

(Just checked Rotten Tomatoes – critical reviews at 59%, audience score at 93%.)

Educational Materials (IV)

Some pictures drawn for a recent lesson. I cheated slightly – they were copied, or adapted, from pictures found by google image-search (except for the last one). The point of the lesson was to discuss buttons, switches, etc. on machines, and what they do.

Hairdryer (contains button, sliding switch):

Hoover (contains two buttons and – as drawn – a dial):

Toaster (contains a lever, dial, and switch):

Pistol (contains two lever-like mechanisms, a trigger and a safety):

And finally, giant death robot (which obviously needs buttons, levers, etc. to operate):