Inktober ’19: Week 1

I’d like to do Inktober this year, but once a day is not possible. (Work; and the collaboration with the artistic relative is on hold while I await more to do, but that could change at any time.) Thus I shall aim at a considerably more modest goal: to work through the Inktober prompts in order, and get at least two done each week. This week’s efforts:

Prompt #1: Ring

Prompt #2: Mindless (ok, this is an obvious one…)

These are not properly sketches, as I used pencil outlines first. The second required too much time for something so simple, due to my “autistic” (per my mother) drawing style; I really should have chosen e.g. ink wash, watercolours, or pencil for that one.

One thought on “Inktober ’19: Week 1

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