Guest Post: Scriptures (I)

A relative who paints better than I has invited me to post some of her stuff. She’s currently trying her hand at sticking inspirational Bible verses over various pictures, or backgrounds, she has painted:

…that last is a useful reminder for me…

Space Crusaders

In a thread over at Amatopia, one Anabasis comments:

 I would read the $#!* out of an alt-history story where a group of Space Crusaders lands on the Moon, consecrates it to Jesus Christ, and has to defend the base from pagan incursions while they build a glorious cathedral.

I decided to try drawing some Space Crusaders vs. pagan robot but it’s a bit messy.

This is a quick drawing rather than a serious sit-down-and-spend-5-hours-on-this work, but still – too many scribbles, not enough attention to form and shape, not enough proper use of scribbles to distinguish shape. (This realisation prompted by my mother, who is ever happy to point out where I need to improve (and who usually knows what she’s talking about.)) (She also complained, again, that my cross-hatching is autistic, but I am unrepentant.)

The (partial) cure: more lineart, something I tend to slack off on unless I’m doing a coloured picture or something for a colourist (I haven’t worked with a colourist for years though).

Anyway, if ever Anabasis writes that story, I’ll link to it (and read it!).

Local Flora

On holiday in England. A trellis arch in the garden:

A houseplant:

The Significant Other’s father has been trying various beers here; Old Peculiar and London Pride met his approval, as did several others whose names I have forgotten; his favourite, though, was the Hobgoblin ruby ale, from Wychwood (a subsidiary of Marston’s). It is pretty good stuff, and pretty cheap (by English standards, if not central European).