The Night

This is the night,

when once you led our forebears, Israel’s children,

from slavery in Egypt

and made them pass dry-shod through the Red Sea

This is the night

that with a pillar of fire

banished the darkness of sin.

– from the Exsultet, the traditional Latin-rite chant on the Easter Vigil. Sadly this year it was not possible to attend in person, we had to watch online; and our priest did not sing the entire Exsultet, merely the first part, and recited the rest. But that is excusable, as it is rather long:

(This is how Lent ends: the faithful gather at sunset, and the priest or deacon lights a fire and sings the above while carrying a metre-high candle.)

(The linked video is the Latin version, which is even longer: the English version is a mere 10 minutes.)

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