Inktober ’19: Week 2

Prompt #3: Bait

My mother was right: pen and ink wash is, in fact, a lot faster than detailed pen-work and the “autistic scribbling” she abhors. You can’t do everything with it but it’s worth investigating a bit more.

Prompt #4: Freeze

(When my source said “sweep up”, I assumed she meant with dustpan and brush, but did not check.) (This was related as happening in St. Petersburg; I assume in places nearer the sea, you might actually get fresh fish.)

Inktober ’19 rules and prompts here.


So, a relative had an idea for a comic about a family of hereditary berserkers living in polite society and trying not to be too murderous. She is currently outlining some stories; I think she is imagining costume drama with social commentary and occasional axe murder but I’m not sure.

Below is what came to mind when I started thinking about the idea…

(This has been rated “PG – not suitable for cat lovers” and placed behind a “read more” tag as a result.) (You can also click here to see the results at The Duck, which is a comics-hosting site.)

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More Educational Materials

This is Vot, from the planet Veekend. His principal purpose in life is to annoy students who mispronounce the word “what”.

“Vot are ve going to learn today?”

*waves picture* “Hello! Did someone call my name?”

This is a comic drawn by myself (very quickly) on the basis of captions by a horse-riding teenage girl who is going through a slightly morbid phase at the moment. (The title was provided by another teenage girl.)

Students in the next class, on seeing this picture, decided it was a happy ending because unicorns are superior beings to people (or something along those lines).