Birthday Bash

‘Twas the birthday of the Significant Other, so we went to her family’s place.


In spite of the glass, it was some Staropramen red. “Granatko” or something. Good stuff. [EDIT: more reviews here. They’re in Czech, but they don’t seem keen. Well, I liked it.]


And a baby:

I’m better than I was at drawing babies, but there’s still a way to go.

There was, of course, cake; but I did not get around to drawing that before it was consumed.


Sketched at a friend’s graduation: a guy holding some kind of metal sceptre, on which the Hippocratic Oath was sworn.

There was quite a bit of ceremony, including procession and gratuitous Latin (including the Oath). This is a rough impression of the bench at the front where the worthies sat, done later using some watercolour pencils I was recently given – I am not sure how to use them yet, and have been treating them as, basically, smudgable pencils; I am sure there are more interesting techniques, though. (If you use a watercolour pencil, have you done a drawing or a painting?)


Presented to a guy we sometimes play Terraforming Mars with (name not entered at the time of scanning.)

It was his birthday; and, after we presented this to him, we played Terraforming Mars, and he won handily.

Wandering the City

The castle, seen from the other side of the bridge:

A street corner near the bus station:

I have successfully managed to keep to my at-least-weekly posting schedule for a year now (since 5th July 2018). In this time my art skills have improved, although my posting is heavier on sketches than I would like. There is nothing wrong with sketches, but I prefer to think up interesting things to draw, and then draw them. Alas, this takes time; and my available time is far less than it was, and my time management skills not sufficiently improved to compensate. But I shall see if I can shift the balance a bit in the coming year.